Bomb Joke and Goodbye joke are awesome
Bomb Joke and Goodbye joke are awesome
when he said "Oh.... I also Gotta PS3" at the end, it was great. I laughed pretty hard.
That was not entertaining
It seems you threw non-funny jokes out there too often, the whole thing seemed forced, and the dialougue would have been better if it was similar to the original commercials.
We wanted it to be more original than anything.
Won't understand how this got front page
It's absolutely horrible. I would like to offer constructive criticicism, but unfortunatly the best advice I have is to not do anything you did with this video on any video again. The graphics were poor, the music was poor, and the message was vague and seemed to be something you came up with after making it. Sorry, but I should not have clicked this video at all.
The animation is good... the music is bothersome... seems to be a passing grade for an art class, perhaps, but not very interesting. If the music were a bit more creative, my emotions would have been different. I even tried watching it to Ghost K's "Stop" and I enjoyed it more... Sorry bro... real good art and creativity tho.
Person under me is also stupid
Just felt like saying that.
one problem but epic game
If the Preloader freezes, right click and press play from the menu. Awesome game
I make games and hobby game supplies. SEER deck boxes are my maiden product, and I have moved outward from there.
Age 35, Male
You wouldnt Believe
Lakeview Centennial
Joined on 7/25/06